Like in the Movies

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 3
Slateport City
Business Heir
Destined to be
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
Like in the Movies
POSTED ON May 24, 2023 17:51:57 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","postwrap naia"]


one Face to another

- - -


Naia showed up way too early, her eyes peered over at an over hanging clock to see she was nearly an entire hour early for her meeting. This was completely uncharacteristic of her, she was normally the person who was just scrapping by to be on time, but here she was sitting down on a local bench near their agreed meet up would be.

[break][break]It was perhaps because she wasn't staying home today, Naia Kayode had her own mission after her Rocket one which was to seek out some of the real estate and potentially get themselves another building. with how chaotic and destructive the world has been, finding yourself a back up may not be a bad idea, plus the environment here suited her mother's taste more than their current home. It was for this reason why her Father couldn't drag Naia into being his assistant and her mother didn't bother to end her any assailments.

[break][break]She was practically on a second Vacation, and this one didn't need to have the bloodshed of several people to make it happen.

[break][break]Casually dressed in a high-rise, black pencil skirt and white sleeveless white turtle neck, Naia was fairly comfortable in her typical business casual. She didn't feel the need to be completely in disguise yet, in fact she felt that if she was wearing around a mask in public then it would look pretty weird to any pedestrian passing by. Probably to them Naia looked like like someone waiting for a date, a coffee in hand while a tray holding both a second coffee and a paper bag sat precariously on top of her tote bag.

[break][break]The plan was most likely to get their papers, then get changed. With that thought in mind, Naia took a sip of her coffee and reached for her bag carefully to slide out her phone. All just so she could check the time.




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played by


May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
Like in the Movies
POSTED ON May 28, 2023 10:54:58 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

For once, for the first and likely his last time he'd have a job he was used to, something he had done many many times in his past life. Getting a whole new identity was the first and easiest step of starting a new life somewhere, something Aidan should have done much earlier in his growing Rocket career.[break][break]

A job he thought that should have been done alone, something just walking by was always less conspicuous than two people, the more people the more chance there was of getting the attention that people like him didn't want. Once again he was coming into a job with another person he had never met, that's just how it normally worked, having faith to one day change that. [break][break]

As he approached the rendezvous, he would see a girl by herself, holding coffee and fairly well dressed. It wasn't bad, she was blending in, the extra cups making it look like she was simply waiting for someone. In fact, the two wouldn't really need to try too hard to hide, the league wasn't watching everyone at all times, they weren't The Big Brother.[break][break]

"Ayo! Is that for me!?" Aidan would say picking up the extra cup and giving Naia a quick hug. "Just go along with it, like we're just friends meeting up." He'd speak once again, much lower tone while they hugged. "We should get going! You know how the others are, they don't like waiting." Now he'd say while jokingly pushing her forward, as if the two were late for meeting more friends, not wanting to dwell in the same place too long.[break][break]






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played by


September 3
Slateport City
Business Heir
Destined to be
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
Like in the Movies
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 4:37:03 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","postwrap naia"]


one Face to another

- - -


With light taps Naia had already moved on from just checking the time to working at some crosswords, using the extra mental stimulation to keep herself awake. But it was because her attention was elsewhere did Aiden have free reign to approach her undetected.

[break][break]"Ayo! Is that for me!?"

[break][break]The abruptness of his voice caused Naia to jolt in her eat, the light grip she had on her phone causing it to lift out of her hands as she'd scramble to catch it again. She wasn't allowed to be given a moment of rest, since after the jumpscare, Naia was suddenly assaulted with the overwhelming situation of getting randomly hugged, and couldn't help but tense up further when he practically whispered in her ear.

[break][break] "Just go along with it, like we're just friends meeting up."

[break][break]She didn't know what kind of things he did with his friends, but Naia was definitely not the type to just hand out physical affection like this. With a sharp inhale, she'd awkwardly give him a light pat on his back, even giving him a strained smile as both ways to try to come off as friendly. Despite how obviously uncomfortable, it wouldn't be entirely uncommon to have introverted friends being paired up or forced to interact with their more extroverted ones, so hopefully this wouldn't have blown any covers.

[break][break]"We should get going! You know how the others are, they don't like waiting."

[break][break]Was this still apart of the roleplay, or was he trying to speak in code about the people they had to meet up with. She was quickly learning that he was far better at this sort of thing that Naia could ever achieve, and with a sigh, she resolved to just give in.

[break][break]"Just give me a second.."

[break][break]She needed only just a short moment to gather her stuff, and when she was about to toss the cupholder into the trash, she realized she forgot the treats she left in there.

[break][break]"Oh I--" She cut herself off before she managed to get the word didn't out. If she continued that thought then the whole friend set up would be for naught.. She just needed to think of what would say.

[break][break]"I forgot what were your favourites.. so uh, I bought a few. I'll eat whatever's left."

[break][break]She didn't know if she said it right, the embarrassment was beginning to show on her ears as she'd hand over the bag to him, just following his lead to wherever they were going to meet up with these.. friends.




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played by


May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
Like in the Movies
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2023 2:31:31 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Aidan could feel the awkwardness, nor that he cared. Most things he had to do for Rocket were strictly professional and he had no personal or emotional ties to anyone in the organization, just another day and another job in the long list of things for him to do. The fastest he got through this day the healthier his mind would be. [break][break]

"We have all the time you don't worry." They really didn't but such was life. They still had to pick up their illegal papers and go look for outfits to blend into the crowd, if everything went according to plan it should be a quick job but that was no reason to dilly dally before getting there.[break][break]

"We can keep those for later, maybe dessert if we end up staying out too long." That wasn't code for anything, he just wasn't hungry. [break][break]

"We should get going though, don't want any troubles with the lads." That part was true enough though, not wanting to have troubles both with the people they were meeting or a superior from Rocket.[break][break]






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played by


September 3
Slateport City
Business Heir
Destined to be
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Naia Kayode DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @naia
Naia Kayode
Like in the Movies
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2023 22:37:30 GMT
Naia Kayode Avatar
[attr="class","postwrap naia"]


one Face to another

- - -


He was face paced and upbeat, the complete opposite of Naia. Once he made it clear that he didn't want any of her goodwill cookies, she'd just casually place them inside of her bag for now. It didn't really bother her and if anything if he never ends up taking any she'd just have more for herself, this was entirely a win-win situation for her.

[break][break]"We should get going though, don't want any troubles with the lads."

[break][break]While they made way to their friends Naia found herself purposefully lagging behind him by a step or two, she just wanted to take in a moment to really look and observe the people around her. She knew the place they were going weren't as secure as Fern's workshop but she wasn't exactly expecting any sort of trouble. If it was a time issue, Naia knew that greed can always make the fingers work faster just a matter of how many zeros.

[break][break]With some time between their walk, she wanted to try and at least make some small talk, maybe work on understanding the people within Rocket more.

[break][break]"How.. have you been.. enjoying your job?"

[break][break]There was hesitancy in her words as she carefully tried to camouflaged what she meant, once the question was asked she'd speed up slightly to take her place at his side. Now focused on him and his reactions, and more importantly how he'd play this off.




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played by


May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
Like in the Movies
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 1:31:47 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Aidan's upbeat personality was only but a persona he had to keep up for the day, in fact on the inside he wanted to die and be buried 6ft deep. He just wanted the day and his work to be over, there was a book calling for his name at his room at the Rocket HQ. Alas, a job was a job and the two of them had to complete it. [break][break]

It was fairly noticeable how behind had been, he could exactly no the reasoning but he did have a few guesses. It could have been due to her not exactly trusting him, that she didn't trust their environment or even that she didn't feel confident on the people they were working with, Aidan couldn't exactly blame her in those aspects, he knew exactly how it felt to be in a place you never wanted to be in. [break][break]

"The job keeps us busy, sometimes that's all we can ask for." He wasn't exactly the best person for small talk either, normally his interactions with people were direct and precise due to the nature of his work, he didn't exactly want to small talk either since they'd be arriving at the meeting spot very soon.[break][break]

After a few minutes of walking they had arrived, small alley that led them to a tattoo parlor. A man awaited for them at the entrance. With a few nods between Aidan and the stranger they would trade envelopes. Opening the envelope Aidan would hand one of the Hoenn passports and a Hoenn ID to Naia. "Check if all the information is all correct." He'd check his own too, squinting once he saw the name they had given him. "Do I look like an Atticus!? Fuuuuuck me." It was what it was, he had to take what he was given, everything else looked very much perfect at least.[break][break]






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